Tips For Explosive Athletic Performance
Coach Wootten’s Basketball Camp and the O’Connell Men’s Basketball Program proudly work with strength coaches from 5 Rings Fitness in Falls Church,VA. Below are a couple of pointers related to explosive athletic performance training.
Bilateral Lower Body Strength:Squats – The Squat is the KING of exercises. When done correctly it will have increase jumping and sprinting power while simultaneously building muscle in the legs needed to keep players injury free.
A few quick tips on squats:Keep back “tight” – Initiate movement by pushing hips back THEN down. Maintain a vertical shin angle (keep knees inline or behind toes). Have 3 solid points of ground contact (big toe, pinky toe, and heel). Descend under control, pop up explosively. Perform these 2-3x weekly after sprints or jumps.
Speed Development:Sprints – In order to play fast you have to train fast. Basketball is a game of bursts of speed and quick changes of direction. A mix of short distance (3/4 court or less) sprints and agility drills should be done 1-2x a week before strength training. Focus should be on proper running mechanics and body position. When doing agility drills it is important to always maintain proper body position and move the same way you are supposed to move on the court.
Upper Body Strength:Chin Ups & Push Ups – Having a strong upper body will maximize performance. A strong back will allow for better squats, increased ball security and is crucial for maintaining good posture and position in agility and speed drills. Strong shoulders will not only delay muscle fatigue from shooting, but will give an edge when fighting for rebounds. Perform these 2-3x weekly.
Unilateral Lower Body Strength:Lunges – Basketball requires the coordination and athleticism to powerfully use both legs independently. This unilateral movement is crucial in developing leg strength while fixing any imbalances that may be hidden during the squat.
A few tips on lunges: Maintain an upright torso. Step with the heel, creating a vertical shin position in the front leg (keep those knees healthy!). Explode off lead foot into next step (if performing walking lunges) or back to starting position (when lunging in place). Perform these 2-3x weekly following bilateral lower body strength work (SQUATS).
Core Training: Planks & “Dead Bugs” – Having the strongest legs and shoulders on the team means nothing if they’re connected to weak trunk. Abdominal and lower back muscles are engine that keeps everything else running strong. A “Dead Bug” is a reverse plank: lower back flat on ground. Arms and legs vertical in the air. Focus on maintaining a straight leg position (flex the quads/no knee bend). Perform these trunk movements every time you train.
Vertical Explosive Power: Jumps – Practicing jumps in a controlled environment will allow for the development of proper take off and landing mechanics. When the game is on the line and stress levels are high, athletes fall back on what’s engrained in muscle memory. Perform box jumps and broad jumps 1-2x weekly for low repetitions before strength training. Focus should be on posture and landing in an athletic position.
For more information on explosive performance training email Jason Colenda or George Nutter at